If you want to use a credito personal loan to consolidate debt, make home improvements or finance a dream vacation, the first step is to determine how much you need. You can research your options online by checking lender websites or using loan marketplaces that connect borrowers with investors. Many lenders offer prequalification tools to help borrowers explore the possibilities without impacting their credit scores. You’ll usually be asked to share your desired loan amount, how you would repay the debt and other relevant information.
Demystifying Credit Scores: How Your Score Affects Loan Applications
Once you’ve narrowed your options, apply with the lender of your choice. You’ll likely need to provide proof of income, such as pay stubs or tax returns. You may also need to submit your state-issued driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID, proof of address (a utility bill is a common example) and your employer’s contact information, if applicable. Some lenders will require you to provide other financial documents such as bank statements, 1099s or W-2 forms.
Lenders review the information you provided and decide whether to approve or decline your loan request. If approved, the lender will send you final loan documents including an interest rate, repayment terms, fees and other important details. You can typically sign these documents electronically, which speeds up the process and reduces the risk of miscommunication and mistakes. If you’re denied, you should receive an adverse action notice or letter that explains why. If you’re turned down for a loan, consider taking steps to improve your creditworthiness, such as paying down debt or boosting your income with a side hustle or raise at work.