Investing lets you make money by putting your cash into assets that have the potential to grow. These can be stocks, bonds, property or even things like artwork. Investing is not without risk, however, and your investments can go down in value as well as up. So before you take the plunge, it’s important to talk to a grown-up or your banker first. URL
You can do it yourself or enlist the help of a financial adviser. Whichever route you choose, there are certain key steps to consider: Identify your goals and the time frames you’re working with, as this can help narrow down the number of options available to you. Calculate how much risk you’re comfortable taking – called your risk tolerance – and what type of investment products are most appropriate for that level of risk.
Investing in the Stock Market: Key Concepts for New Investors
Decide how much you want to add to your investments each month or week, which is based on your budget and any other financial priorities you might be juggling. Once you’ve settled on a plan, stick to it. This can help you avoid the temptation to sell assets when they are down, which can have a negative effect on your long-term returns. It can also be a good idea to review your investments regularly to keep track of their progress and rebalance your portfolio (i.e. shift money from asset categories that are doing well into those that are underperforming). This is a great way to help your investments grow more evenly over time.